The Victorian Doll House @ Brook Pointe Resort

After years and what seems like years… I have finally dedicated this weekend to making the doll house work. I had a short and an open in multiple places in the walls. I have finally figured out today how to bypass it. The last pictures I handed I manually worked on each room. Now it is all wired without me doing anything.
Immediately after Christmas decorations are put away we plan to move the dollhouse to it’s final testing spot and have it on display at Brook Pointe.
I have lights working in every room except for the bathroom and the study. I think I will just ignore that.
Things left to do:
1. Hang two chandeliers
2. Fix some wallpaper
3. Hide wires
4. Touch up paint
5. Dust clean and caulk
6. Build the permanent stand with frames for glass
7. Add motion sensors and hide electric
8. Add lights to outside on light strips
9. Decorate it by season