
I am proud to know Terrance. He works hard and laughs loud. He also has what is referred to as a “service heart” . Many who work in hospitality do. It’s why we do this kind of work. We strive to provide comfort to those who need.

It’s a fact that volunteer work keeps a body healthy. I’m not sure of the science behind it . I’m confident that the MOTIVATION behind it is driven by the fact we all need purposes in our lives.
Terrance has started a group called Bless The Homeless. They will be meeting here in our conference room on November 12th. If you would like to join , meet me here at the front desk, bring in a scarf, a blanket, anything that might help a friend we have yet to meet in need. I will walk you in and introduce you to the young man we are all so proud to know….yes…I mean Terrance. (Lol)

Very sincerely and respectfully signing off as,
