The Brook Pointe Resort Blog

Welcome to the Brook Pointe Resort – Excitement & Relaxation Blog, where guests and visitors alike can delve into thrilling adventures and serene moments that our resort uniquely offers. Stay updated with our latest posts and discover the perfect blend of exhilaration and tranquility that awaits every visitor.


May 31, 2020

Congratulations Braxton and all the graduating class of 2020!

Congratulations Braxton and all the graduating class of 2020!
May 26, 2020

Brook Pointe Resort

What a difference 7 years make . The trees are getting bigger!
May 25, 2020

The Enchanted Forest @ Brook Pointe Resort

One man’s junk another man’s treasure! Someone disposed of this in our dumpster so we went dumpster diving and fixed it back up, painted it and now it’s ready for deployment at the Enchanted Forest!
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